i18n: Adding to build script (core.js...
was committed by jakearchibald
Wednesday Aug 05
changeset -
Overlay#closeOnEsc: Gone over formatt...
was committed by maslen
Tuesday Aug 04
changeset - closeOnEsc option potentially conflic... was created by Tom Maslen 03:12 PM ticket
- Enhance Nodelist.css() method to accept a hash of styles was updated by Tom Maslen 01:33 PM ticket
- Panel - Provide more meaning to the "... was created by Jake Archibald 11:16 AM ticket
- nodeList#css: accepts hash of values ... was committed by maslen 10:30 AM changeset
- Merge branch 'master' of git@gitproxy... was committed by maslen 10:30 AM changeset
- glow.dom.nodeList.css : method can no... was committed by maslen 10:30 AM changeset
- glow.widgets.Panel rendering issue in IE8 was updated by Jake Archibald 09:15 AM ticket
- Enhance Nodelist.css() method to accept a hash of styles was updated by Jake Archibald 09:15 AM ticket
- glow.net.get / post forceXml option was updated by Jake Archibald 09:14 AM ticket
- Panel: ESC to close was updated by Jake Archibald 09:13 AM ticket
- glow.events.fire treat the first parameter like glow.events.addListener was updated by Jake Archibald 09:13 AM ticket
- dom.create: adding test for style ele... was committed by jakearchibald 08:50 AM changeset
- Document creating a gloader compatible library was updated by Stephen Elson 08:50 AM ticket
Carousel - better keyboard focus with left and right arrow keyswas updated by Jake Archibald 08:15 AM ticket -
Speed up node insertion using DocumentFragment
was updated by Jake Archibald
Monday Aug 03
ticket - data.decodeUrl not working with cookie strings was updated by Stephen Elson 05:00 PM ticket
- glow.data.decodeUrl: Fixing for ; sep... was committed by jakearchibald 05:00 PM changeset
- data.decodeUrl not working with cookie strings was updated by Jake Archibald 04:28 PM ticket
- glow.net.get / post forceXml option was updated by Jake Archibald 04:26 PM ticket
- glow.anim.css & Animation - events in constructor was updated by Stephen Elson 04:23 PM ticket
- glow.anim: Allow events to be defined... was committed by jakearchibald 04:23 PM changeset
- glow.anim.css & Animation - events in constructor was updated by Jake Archibald 03:48 PM ticket
- NodeList#html: Added test to show fai... was committed by jakearchibald 03:48 PM changeset
- Empty nodelists html() method causes error if passed undefined was updated by Stephen Elson 03:48 PM ticket
- Empty nodelists html() method causes error if passed undefined was updated by Stephen Elson 03:48 PM ticket
- NodeList#html: Fixing & testing [#17 ... was committed by jakearchibald 03:48 PM changeset
- Empty nodelists html() method causes error if passed undefined was updated by Jake Archibald 03:34 PM ticket
- Reorganising dom tests http://github.... was committed by jakearchibald 03:22 PM changeset
- NodeList#css: More width / height adj... was committed by jakearchibald 03:22 PM changeset
- NodeList#css: Fixing margin issue in ... was committed by jakearchibald 03:22 PM changeset
- NodeLIst#width() misreports for elements with border/padding but no explicit width was updated by Jake Archibald 02:35 PM ticket
- NodeList#css: Fixing IE issue http://... was committed by jakearchibald 02:31 PM changeset
- Merge branch 'master' into NodeListWi... was committed by jakearchibald 02:31 PM changeset
- Carousel: Optimisations and IE focus ... was committed by jakearchibald 02:31 PM changeset
- dom.create: adding a container for st... was committed by jakearchibald 02:31 PM changeset
- InfoPanel: Updating manual test http:... was committed by jakearchibald 02:31 PM changeset
- NodeList: Change width / height to us... was committed by jakearchibald 02:31 PM changeset
- glow.dom.create: Fixing regression ht... was committed by jakearchibald 02:31 PM changeset
request.destroy()was updated by Jake ArchibaldFriday Jul 31
ticket -
events.js attaches 'unload' in all browsers, breaking Firefox/Safari/Opera bfcachewas updated by Jake Archibald 11:17 AM ticket -
Collapsed margins mess up a contained dragdrop objectwas updated by Jake Archibald 11:10 AM ticket -
NodeList - method to get offset from positioned parentwas updated by Jake Archibald 11:10 AM ticket -
Sortable: fails in IE if no parent element has position other than staticwas updated by Jake Archibald 11:10 AM ticket - Panel: ESC to close was updated by Jake Archibald 10:06 AM ticket
- DragDrop: Pushed a console log - whoo... was committed by jakearchibald 09:59 AM changeset
- Merge branch 'master' of git@gitproxy... was committed by jakearchibald 09:59 AM changeset
- events.js attaches 'unload' in all browsers, breaking Firefox/Safari/Opera bfcache was updated by Stephen Elson 09:57 AM ticket
- Fix for bf cache issue that made some... was committed by Michael Mathews 09:57 AM changeset
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A JavaScript Library
1.7—73% complete
Completed 38 of 52 tickets
clear type
destroy destroyoncomplete
internet explorer
nodelist val empty error