Stephen Elson
Widgets - base class
was created by Stephen Elson
Friday Sep 04
ticket - Events - EventDispatcher mixin / class was created by Stephen Elson 02:26 PM ticket
- Carousel should mask clones in items was updated by Stephen Elson 02:22 PM ticket
- Carousel should mask clones in items was updated by Stephen Elson 02:21 PM ticket
- add "context" support to* was updated by Stephen Elson 02:17 PM ticket
- Dom: Align documentation for appending / inserting functions was updated by Stephen Elson 02:17 PM ticket
Merge branch 'RB_1.6'
was committed by Frances Berriman
Thursday Sep 03
changeset - Carousel: Fixes for visibleIndex and ... was committed by unknown 03:54 PM changeset
- Fixed bug that caused some indexes to... was committed by Michael Mathews 01:44 PM changeset
- Merge branch 'carousel_unit_tests' of... was committed by Michael Mathews 01:44 PM changeset