Stephen Elson
AutoSuggest - way to filter results
was updated by Stephen Elson
Saturday Jul 18
ticket - Editor - add more formatting options was created by Stephen Elson 09:44 AM ticket
AutoSuggest placement wrong when text resized in Safari 4 PC
was updated by Stephen Elson
Friday Jul 17
ticket - Document creating a gloader compatible library was updated by Stephen Elson 07:28 PM ticket
- glow.widgets.Panel rendering issue in IE8 was updated by Stephen Elson 07:28 PM ticket
- AutoSuggest position below text box was updated by Stephen Elson 07:27 PM ticket
- NodeList#prop() was updated by Stephen Elson 07:27 PM ticket
- Empty nodelists html() method causes error if passed undefined was updated by Stephen Elson 07:26 PM ticket
- data.decodeUrl not working with cookie strings was updated by Stephen Elson 07:25 PM ticket
- - make requests utf-8 by default? was updated by Stephen Elson 07:24 PM ticket