181 |
accepted |
Remove inconsistency between sections of styleguide |
2.0 |
Jake Archibald |
almost 15 years old |
100 |
accepted |
Mask: Won't shrink in IE |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
4 |
accepted |
Flash doesn't display in a Overlay which uses a Mask in Firefox Mac |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
179 |
accepted |
glow.dom.get(null).is("foo") returns true |
none |
-- |
almost 15 years old |
113 |
accepted |
IE loses line-ending when glow.data.escapeHTML is applied to textarea contents |
none |
-- |
over 15 years old |
129 |
accepted |
InfoPanel: Layout bugs when zoomed in Firefox |
2.0 |
-- |
about 15 years old |
120 |
new |
NodeList#css - some minor issues |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
79 |
new |
Script tags added via glow.dom.create("<script/>") update don't always run |
none |
-- |
about 15 years old |
38 |
new |
glow.lang.apply - does not use a clone of destination as documented |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
135 |
new |
Events furtherinfo page example don't work |
1.7 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
118 |
new |
Editor: Pasted content unit test failing in IE7 |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
56 |
new |
Text node within sortable container causes error in IE |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
131 |
new |
Carousel: css is wrong on Mac FF 3.5 |
none |
-- |
over 15 years old |
63 |
new |
Remove ID attributes from carousel markup |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
66 |
new |
glow.widgets.Mask incorrectly sets height when no reset.css file used |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
67 |
new |
Editor - toolbar buttons not updating in webkit browsers |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
184 |
new |
Accissibilty improvements to glow slider widget |
1.7 |
Jake Archibald |
almost 15 years old |
160 |
new |
Timetable demo on IE6 |
none |
-- |
about 15 years old |
136 |
new |
dom: NodeList#clone errors on empty nodelist in IE6 |
1.7 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
125 |
new |
Autosuggest: should glow.widgets.AutoSuggest#find be public? |
1.7 |
Michael Mathews |
over 15 years old |
119 |
new |
Editor: _select failing in Firefox 2 |
2.0 |
-- |
over 15 years old |
175 |
✓resolved |
isWithin? |
none |
Jake Archibald |
almost 15 years old |
37 |
✓resolved |
Carousel - improve unit tests |
1.7 |
Frances Berriman |
over 15 years old |
42 |
✓resolved |
AutoSuggest placement wrong when text resized in Safari 4 PC |
1.7 |
Michael Mathews |
over 15 years old |
71 |
✓resolved |
Sortable: fails in IE if no parent element has position other than static |
1.6 |
Jake Archibald |
over 15 years old |
130 |
✓resolved |
Carousel: errors when all items removed with removeItem() |
1.7 |
Frances Berriman |
over 15 years old |
70 |
✓resolved |
Carousel: itemClick fires too many times after an item is added |
1.6 |
Jake Archibald |
over 15 years old |
74 |
✓resolved |
glow.net response.xml() fails in IE with application/rss+xml mimetype |
1.6 |
Jake Archibald |
over 15 years old |
1 |
✓resolved |
Carousel: text shows through nav buttons on Opera 9 Mac |
1.7 |
Michael Mathews |
over 15 years old |
108 |
✓resolved |
NodeList#offset incorrect in webkit |
1.7 |
Jake Archibald |
over 15 years old |